63 Hour Pre-Licensing F.A.Q.S

✔️ Self paced/ go at your own speed
✔️ Review information multi times until you fully understand concepts
✔️ Access to ask questions
✔️ Affordable
✔️ Interactive
✔️ Variety of course electives to choose from
✔️ Real estate commission approved
✔️ Highlights highly tested subjects
- Studies show that online courses have increased students retention rates anywhere from 25-60%
- E-learning requires less time than in class learning
- You can do it in the comfort of your home/ vs sitting in a class for 8hr a day
- State Approved online courses
Florida Sun Dream Realty is an approved school in Florida.
How it Works?
- Desktop computers
- Laptop computers
- Tablets
- Smart phones
Complete the course at your own pace. You have up to 1 year to complete the course. Our online courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you can start and stop as often as necessary to accommodate your schedule.
Pre-Licensing Final Exams: Final exams must be passed with a minimum of 70%. Students failing the Commission-prescribed end-of-course examination must wait at least 30 days from the date of the original examination to retest. Within one year of the original examination, a student may retest a maximum of one time. Otherwise, students failing the end-of-course examination must repeat the course prior to being eligible to take the end-of-course examination again.
Licensing Exam: The licensing exam is administered by Pearson Vue. Registration for the state licensing exam is an entirely separate process from proctoring for your course final exam. For instructions to register for your state licensing exam and further information, please click here.
Reporting: The state does not require schools to report qualifying course completions. Students will submit their certificate of completion with their license application.
How do I get a Florida real estate license?
The first steps to getting a Florida real estate license include completing the 63-hour FL Real Estate Sales Associate Licensing course, passing the course’s final exam, and finding a broker to sponsor you through the process. Next is to file an application (which includes fingerprinting) for a sales associate license with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). After the FL DBPR approves your application, you are eligible to sit for the Sales Associate exam administered by Pearson Vue.
How long does it take to get a Florida real estate license?
The time it takes to get a Florida Real Estate Sales Associate license can vary. It may take up to a few months to complete the required 63-hour Pre-Licensing course, find a sponsoring broker, go through the application process, and take the licensing examination.
How much does it cost to get a Florida real estate license?
The licensing fee for a Florida Real Estate Sales Associate is $83.75. The fee to take the exam is $36.75. Other costs associated with getting your license may include fingerprinting fees and Pre-Licensing course tuition, which can vary depending on the course package and school.
How much Continuing Education do I need as a Florida real estate license?
The state of Florida requires 14 hours of Broker and Sales license Continuing Education. These Continuing Education requirements must be completed every two years based on when you initially took your licensing exam. Florida Sun Dream Realty has the CE Courses required.
Do you need to have a diploma or GED to get your Florida real estate license?
To attain a Florida real estate license, applicants must hold a high school diploma or its equivalent, such as a GED.
How do I apply for the Florida real estate license exam?
Visit this site to view information regarding the exam, including schedules, cancellation policy, details regarding the exam, and a link to schedule your exam.
Does Florida recognize a real estate license from my state?
Currently, Florida has licensing reciprocity with seven states. If you have a license in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, or Nebraska, the license is mutually recognized. If not, you will have to go through the typical Pre-Licensing education requirements and take the requisite examination.
Can I get a Florida real estate license online?
Yes, course requirements to become a Florida sales associate can be completed online.
What are Florida's requirements for Post-Licensing?
Florida requires brokers and sales associates to complete Post-Licensing education. Florida brokers must complete 60 hours of Post-Licensing education. Florida sales associates must complete 45 hours of Post-Licensing Education.
What courses are required for a Florida real estate license?
The state of Florida requires 63 hours of Pre-Licensing education to receive a sales associate real estate license. These courses can be completed in as little as two weeks. Enroll and begin your new real estate career today.
What is the average salary for a Florida real estate sales associate?
According to ZipRecruiter.com, the average real estate agent salary in Florida is between $45-85k. Earnings can vary based on experience and location.
Where do I take the Florida real estate license exam?
Florida uses Pearson VUE testing services. The Florida real estate exam can be taken in-person or remotely. Pearson VUE has more information on scheduling your Florida real estate exam.
Can a felon get a Florida real estate license?
All Florida real estate license applicants are subject to a criminal background check. A criminal record may impact your ability to attain a real estate license in Florida. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation has more information.
How old do you have to be to get your Florida real estate license?
You must be 18 years old or older to attain a Florida real estate license.